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Swarm in Tree
Ball of Bees
swarm on truck
A swarm of honey bees is a natural phenomenon.  It is the way of multiplying their populations ensuring survival.

Swarms start as a cloud of thousands of bees and can land on almost anything to rest.    A swarm can be the size of a golf ball but can be much larger.     Before they swarm they gorge themselves on honey and are generally docile.     Honey bees don't generally sting unless provoked.  They do not have resources to defend other than the queen.   Although the swarm may look scary, try to just watch nature at work.

Here are tips you need to know...
Step 1 -  Safety Assessment
Don't try to move the swarm
Don't spray it with anything
Do keep pets and people away

Step 2 -  Collect information   (a beekeeper need to know so that he/she can bring the necessary equipment)
Where is the swarm?
How big is the swarm?
How high is the swarm?
Is it on your property?
Take a picture of the swarm if you can.

Step 3 -  Call A Swarm Collector  (a beekeeper who has experience capturing open swarms)

Important: if you have a colony of honeybees in a home or tree it IS NOT a swarm.    Go to "Removing Bee Colonies from Structures" for more direction.

Swarm Catchers List